Who Are The Homeless – by Amy
Our homeless population is comprised of daughters, sons, fathers, mothers, grandparents, aunts and uncles. The working poor who are not paid a livable wage as inflation increases seemingly by the day. Imagine you are behind on rent a couple of months and your car breaks down and your child has to go to the hospital with a bad fever and as the temperatures drop you can’t fill the oil tank and you choose to buy food instead of paying the electric bill. These types of things are happening right in our city. It’s making impossible decisions. Maybe you don’t have family that are willing or able to help. You have no support system. No place to turn. You do your very best to keep your apartment as long as possible until ultimately you are out on the street with your family. This is also homelessness. It could happen to anyone. In these times that we find ourselves in I believe the homeless population will rapidly increase.