Family – By Eva
I’m sitting at work eating my lunch and pondering about last night. We have many moments each night that we are open that puts life in perspective.
Moments that you realize….you and your team of volunteers are truly living for a greater cause than yourselves. But there is one moment that really stands out and I’m still rehearsing in my mind. One of girls came in just a mess.
Emotional, depressed and crying! Immediately Amy, our ministry leader, jumped on the situation. Grabbing a chair and moving it to the kitchen for privacy. Making sure our girl was comfortable. Listening, hugging and encouraging. As the evening was coming to an end, our girl moved out to the dining area. Soon Cyndi and I joined the dining area conversation. But what I witnessed was Family.
There was lots of hugging, encouraging and crying still going on. But our girl was finding her joy, her peace and confidence to tackle this heart break in her life.
Her comment to all of us was, “I knew I had to come tonight. I knew you would be there for me and help me feel better.”
We didn’t fix the problem but we simply stopped, listened and loved her. Our ministry has evolved into a relational ministry! Come sit at the table kind of ministry! Meet you where you are ministry! Not only are we filling the tangible need but also the need for Jesus, the need for relationship! Humbled is an understatement! I can’t even put into words how amazing this team of volunteers are. They serve with the heart of Jesus!
No judgement, just a community of believers showing God’s love! Humbled!