Homeless Sufferings

Homeless Sufferings

This is what our Clothing Closet Leader, Ms. Holly experienced this afternoon:

So, I’m at Clothed In Righteousness.INC and this young girl shows up out front. I’m putting warm clothes on the bench and she asks if she can get some warm clothes. So we come in and get her as warm of clothes as we can. As I’m purging a rack of clothes, I look across the street and she is sitting in the alley. She gets up and starts her walk and her suitcase is broken and the wheels are broken. I wait to see what she is going to do. I go out the door, holding back tears, and give her bags and try to get her organized. She is so young and it’s so cold and I just wonder if her Momma or Daddy knows where she’s at? I wonder how someone so young and beautiful got where she is? I pray God will surround her and protect her. 💔😭

If you met this young lady you would see the trauma. She has experienced something awful. You can see her mental illness and her social anxiety.

She doesn’t trust anyone. She is always in survival mode. We don’t see what many see! We see the traumatized soul and their heart. No matter how hard and raw this is, WE at CIR are so thankful for these divine appointments!

We love ❤️ our Holly and we are so thankful for that wrecked heart for our homeless!